I believe I have potential to be a staff member on itsJerryandHarry because even though I may seem immature at times I can be strict and authoritative when it is needed, for example when someone is being disrespectful in my teamspeak channel whether they are a friend or not I will usually ask them to refrain from being rude, but if they continue I will most likely kick them. I am good in difficult situations, and I am responsible and trustworthy. I am also hardworking and will put in my full effort to assist in the community. Extra comments
Standard 9.04 a defines raw test data and scaled scores as raw information disclosed by clients during examination. Test data are client’s response to test and scaled scores and these information’s have not been released or subjected to analyzing by a third party. The scaled score are the psychologist note during the testing and does not include psychotherapy notes. The revised rules for test data was implemented in 2003 and new rules were added to help client have autonomy over their raw data.
MFD is sponsoring Marc in a FF.1 Course, he will need the occasional use of a pack and spare bottles. He will call ahead and we will leave a note in the book for the Duty Officer on anticipated days. He will pick and return the items on the same day and he has the code to the back door. Marc will leave the bottles and pack by the Office when he is finished to be returned to service. Any questions or problems, please let me know.
1. To make sure the care and treatment can continue to be given safely no matter which staff are on duty, 24 hours a day, seven days a week 2. To record the care that has been given to the patient/client 3. To make sure there is an accurate record to be used as ‘evidence’ when there is a complaint from a patient/client about the
Maureen: She will need to be hospitalized following emergency treatment. She will also need to have a physical therapist. Jennie: After emergency treatment she is fine to go home and let the eye heal.
P4- when looking at strategies and communication techniques used with different individuals with different needs whom need to overcome different challenges many aspects must be looked at. A challenge Patrick may face may be awareness and knowledge, he may face this as well as others. Patrick may be aware that he has HIV however he may not be aware how much this will effect him and he may not be aware how to deal with it as he may lack the knowledge. In order to overcome this Patrick could educate himself in depth on HIV, this will help him come to terms with it and will also help him to help others understand HIV. A challenge Alice may face might be acceptance or belief, she may not have the determination to become alcohol free and therefore
In mental health there are a lot of different roles of different agencies and professionals within the assessments, both of these are for the protection of the service user and service provisions these include mental health services which are set up and run by the NHS organisations as well as some voluntary sectors there are also private companies which are paid for by or commissioned by the NHS. A local GP should be able to recognise a service users symptoms and diagnose the service users symptoms of mental health or psychosis then they should refer the service user to an intervention service were they will then be assessed. These assessments will then be carried out on the service user, which will then provide them with the right services
Task 3 Preparation I will explain on how my chosen service is designed to meet the health needs, developmental needs and social care needs for my chosen client group. How will Carters Green Medical Centre meet the needs of my client group (children) with their health and growing up as well as socialising skills? I will briefly explain the role of informal carers supporting my chosen client Evaluate the impact this could have on that child’s life. So how would the role of the extended family support my client group (children). I will use a secondary research of data from textbooks to research about informal carers.
3.1 Explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice The main purpose of dementia care worker is to provide support for people with dementia and helping them to improve their sense of well-being, to maintain their independence and to put them in more control of their lives. Being a dementia care worker, suppose to: • Have good organizing skills and good time management; • Have good communication skills; • Understand dementia; • Understand the needs of people with dementia; • Have knowledge of specific legislation, which include the Health & Safety and Mental Capacity Act; • Have experience in keeping and writing reports; • Be able to understand the client confidentiality; • Be able to assess and evaluate the client need;
7 / D.P7: Explain how different procedures maintain health and safety in a selected health or social care setting Maintaining health and safety in health and social care is extremely important to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all their service users as well as other individuals service providers may come in contact with in the setting. There are several procedures that help to maintain this health and safety however they can all vary between settings for example, health and safety procedures will be slightly different and more focused on certain areas in hospitals and especially in paediatric ward compared to in drop-in centres where the needs and risk to service users are slightly different. Some of the procedures used in health and social care to maintain health and safety include; infection control and prevention, safe moving and handling of equipment and individuals, food preparation and storage, storage and administration of medication and storage and disposal of hazardous substances.
I will be assigned to a new patient next week, and I will make sure that I will know everything about all the medications the patient takes. That will be done in order to know what I am going to be administering and how dangerous it will be if any of them are administered incorrectly. I will make sure all preventable complications will not occur. In order to do that, I need to know the function of the medication and what they are really for based on the patient’s diagnoses.
Assignment: Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence health and social care settings. Go on to describe how those legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in your health or social care setting. Policies, procedures and legislation are found in every establishment. They are required to have them in place in order to protect and keep the employers, employees and service users safe. Legislations in an establishment are a groups of laws set by the government that must be followed otherwise an individual will be prosecuted.
This report is to highlight the impact residential care has on young children 3.1 What is Residential Care? Residential Care is care provided for old or sick people or children in a residential faculty. Children in care is also referred to as a looked after child. A looked after child is someone under 18, lives away from their parents or family.
Barriers in Health and Social Care: The barriers in health and social care are physical barriers, psychological barriers, financial barriers, geographical barriers, cultural/language barriers and resource barriers. Physical barrier Physical barrier are objects that prevent an individual from getting to their destination. For example, a wheelchair user is unable to enter a building because there are steps so they can’t get through the entrance.
My individual standards and beliefs impact reliably my involvement to work in the health as well as social care background. For my individual input to the care of individuals undergoing significant life occasions, I would give prominence to the circumstance that I still believe to mark a perhaps superior involvement since I have an inadequate knowledge so far. Nonetheless, I have continuously been anxious with the acceptable completion of my proficient responsibilities as well as the operational assistance and help being delivered to individuals suffering challenging and substantial life’ occasions. Moreover, my work in the health and social care environment was a significant affair for me since it added to my professional as well as personal advancement. In this respect, my role encompassed fundamentals of both wellbeing and social care, though I accomplished utilities of a health care professional principally.