Health Effects Of Cigarette Smoking

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Cigarette smoking contains a lot of harmful chemicals such as nicotine, which can cause a regular smoker to get addicted to these chemicals for a lifetime. It is also scientifically proven that smokers lose at least 10 years of their life span if they don’t stop before there 40’s. Smoking has endless health effects, which smokers tend to not think about in long term because they have this addiction to cigarettes.

The first thing that pops in to peoples mind about the effects of cigarette smoking is lung cancer, but that’s not the only health effect that you will be at risk of if you’re a smoker. Some of the most common chronic health effects of smoking are, hypertension, which is also known as high blood pressure, cardiovascular …show more content…

Its mostly related to atherosclerosis which causes the arteries to narrow down due to the build up of a substance called plaque, when this occurs it makes it hard for blood to flow smoothly to the organs, if the substance builds up a lot that it causes blood clots where the blood cannot flow this causes a heart attack where the blood cannot flow to the heart and a stroke where the blood cannot flow to the brain. Smoking contributes to cardiovascular disease because the harmful toxins in the cigarette can damage the function of your blood vessels and can increase the risk of atherosclerosis …show more content…

All the toxins that the mother inhales while smoking are passed down to the infant’s blood stream and cause a higher heart rate for the baby and a low amount of oxygen is passed to the infant. Also excessive smoking can cause a lot of miscarriage to occur and a higher chance of delivering a baby with very low birth weight and increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome where the baby dies during his/her sleep.
Passive smoking
Smoking doesn’t only harm the smoker but is also as harmful as it is for the person around them, which is also known as passive smoking, where the other person inhales the smoke afterwards. Second hand smoking is as harmful as normal smoking, it increases the risk of the other person getting chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and strokes. In some places its more harmful such as smoking in the car because the place is very small and there’s very little airflow occurring so the percentage of smoke the other person inhales is higher which contributes to higher risks of these disease. A lot of children across the world suffer from second hand smoking at home because one or both of their parents are smokers, this grants a higher risk for the child to develop respiratory diseases and asthma. (Anonymous, Passive smoking,

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