Fast Food Gap Analysis

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Although the production of healthy foods is expensive, organizations such as the World Food Programme need to put a stop to the increasing price gap between fast food and nutritious food before it takes an overwhelming toll on the community. A healthy diet costs 2,000 dollars a year more than an unhealthy one for an average family of four (Rehel). While this may not seem like a lot of money it adds up for low income families who are barely skimming by as it is. They have to make wise and tough decisions about where they spend their money and healthy food is one of the first things to go. If they can get a burger at a fast food restaurant for three to four dollars less than a salad will cost them at a sit down restaurant why would they pick …show more content…

Programs like the WFP are already working to lessen the price gap in america, but they need to ask more from fast food chains. While, the price gap in grocery stores has decreased that is not the main issue. People go to the grocery store for their meals, but they go to fast food chains whenever they see one. They drive by and think a burger would taste great right now. This is the issue to accessibility of non nutritious food, but the WFP can’t do anything about that because they cannot take away the will of Americans to eat when they want and how they want. So, instead of taking bad food away make healthier foods easily accessed. Add some reasonably priced salads to the menu so that when families cannot afford to eat anywhere but drive throughs they have the option to eat better. Then they can’t blame the price for not eating healthy, but only themselves and their lack of willpower to avoid such horrific …show more content…

Restaurants and schools can participate alongside fast food chains by promoting and offering healthier choices. If these places apply nutrition standards people will see the incentive as to why they should be eating better because they will actually have access to its many advantages. We can even start kids young by having, “ Schools follow nutrition standards to ensure that food and beverage options are healthy. They also can encourage students to eat foods that meets dietary recommendations for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat or low-fat dairy products (overweight and obesity).” With the community taking a role in this issue, we may be able to slow the cycle and prevent families from being so highly affected, mentally and physically, by the restriction of their low

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