Healthy Food Cost More Than Unhealthy Food Essay

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Healthy food cost more than unhealthy food. Whether a person is at the grocery store or a fast food restaurant. Fast food restaurants promote cheap meals, which are high in calories but never give a deal on the healthier food choices. A person’s bad eating habits are what put them at risk for heart disease. A lot of things such as family recipes aren't’t healthy and get passed on to each family’s generations; therefore passing along poor diets and high heart disease risks.
A once a month healthy extravaganza day will catch the eye of the children and the parents. There would be people in place to look after the children while their parents attend their education classes with no kids. Parents are more willing to go and get educated when they don’t have to worry about their children not cooperating. The Parents will meet with a nutritionist to learn what healthy foods they need to buy for their family, so they can learn how to grocery shop effectively and how to cook healthy kid friendly food. The …show more content…

I believe that education is key to anyone's success and that doesn’t have to mean by his or her job. This will be a great opportunity for a bonding of children and their parents and its even better that it’s allowing them to become healthier.
The threats of educating parents and children on ways to eat healthy to live better lives, there maybe all or some of the people who participate that feel like they do not need to make a change in their eating habits no matter if they are overweight or not. Some people may start it and not feel or see any benefits from continuing to go through with a healthier lifestyle. It would not be good if there is not a decrease in the rates of heart disease, it may not have an affect at all or in may actually turn for the worse and

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