Summary: Henri Paul Luck Cycle

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Henri Paul Luck Cycle 31 21 11 1 戊 Wu Earth 丁 Ding Fire 丙 Bing Fire 乙 Yi Wood 戌 Xu Dog 酉 You Rooster 申 Shen Monkey 未 Wei Goat 戊 辛 丁 Wu Xin Ding Earth Metal Fire 辛 Xin Metal 庚 壬 戊 Geng Ren Wu Metal Water Earth 已 丁 乙 Ji Ding Yi Earth Fire Wood 71 61 51 41 壬 Ren Water 辛 Xin Metal 庚 Geng Metal 已 Ji Earth 寅 Yin Tiger 丑 Chou Ox 子 Zi Rat 亥 Hai Pig 甲 丙 戊 Jia Bing Wu Wood Fire Earth 已 癸 辛 Ji Gui Xin Earth Water Metal 癸 Gui Water 壬 甲 Ren Jia …show more content…

The only壬 Ren water in his birth chart was found in the申Monkey year. The 申Monkey year represented the childhood years of the person. There was no壬 Ren water in his戊戌 Earth Dog luck cycle or the 1997 year of the丁丑 Fire Ox. Instead, the thick and heavy 戊 Wu earth in his戊戌 Earth Dog luck cycle controlled the water from flowing continuously. This factor alone was detrimental to his chances of securing a promotion. He had position and status in society. How could he possibly be considered as a “Nobody”? He was promoted to deputy security manager of the hotel. After his immediate superior had resigned, he naturally hoped that he might be chosen to fill the position. However, the post was temporarily left vacant while the hotel searched for a suitable candidate from the outside. This implied that Henri Paul was not the likely choice for the position. He was working in the hotel industry. The guests who stayed at any hotel usually did not need to deal with the security personnel of the hotel. Instead, they met only the reception staff, the bell boys and the waiters if they patronised the cafeteria of the hotel. To the public, the security people were anonymous figures, like other staff of the hotel in supporting roles such as administration and …show more content…

But surely even the most loyal of employees had their grievances. It would not have been normal if Henri Paul did not feel any disappointment in this matter. Furthermore, he was employed in the role of security for the hotel. To become effective in the security business, he had to deal with other agencies such as intelligence agencies. How could an ordinary person in society acquire some degree of wealth? A person might not become famous or hold high position in an organization. But the lack of fame or position did not necessarily imply a lack of wealth. After all, there were many examples of famous people who still had to struggle with financial problems. Fame was not necessarily synonymous with wealth. Henri Paul’s day master was辛 Xin metal. Since metal controlled wood, his wealth element was wood. There was only one wood in the chart. It was found in his未 Goat month of birth. If a person had only one or two wealth elements in his chart, it was an indication that he would probably be wealthy. The wood was in the tomb stage when it was in the未 Goat. When the wealth was in the tomb, it was said to be in the storage stage. If wealth was stored, the person could achieve some degree of

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