Uncertainty Acceptance

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Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members in society expect and accept that power is distributed unequally (Steers, et al., 2013).

Singapore attaches great importance to hierarchical relationships. In the company, employee is given the respect to their boss or any other higher management. People seldom open challenge or violate chains of command by their supervisor or boss. Most employee believe they should arrive before and leave after the boss.

In Singapore, there are 74.3 per cent of the resident population is Chinese (Singapore Department of Statistics , 2015). The traditional values of the Chinese has significant influence of the local company. With the Chinese Confucian background, people believe the …show more content…

Singapore work culture is strict follow by the rules for every situation. In my company, there are standard procedure for each department. Every employee need to follow the rules to perform the daily work. Sometimes if there are unforeseen situation happen, people may seek approval and assistance from higher authority for settle the issue.

Singapore has low uncertainty avoidance is due to the national culture which seeks following rules for every situation. The standard procedure allow tolerance of ambiguity. Also due to the high power distance, people will follow the order and rules set by management and government.

Follow the rules does not mean cannot innovate. The creativity is still encouraged by management. However, the innovation idea must be reasonable and put up opinion through the regulation way. To get the management support is the first move for any idea development.

Individualism / Collectivism
This dimension is to demonstrate the degree of the culture emphasis on individual or group (Steers, et al., …show more content…

(Steers, et al., 2013).

Other than western country who emphasize the truth and creative, Singapore Company is more emphasizing on virtue, hardworking and long term benefit. They always keep their options open and looking for a way which can better solve the problem. For example, company has goal to improve customer satisfaction. Instead of only concentrating on employee skill, company will also create better system as supporting. To get better long term benefit, Company will make investment on both human resource and equipment to produce something superior.

Singapore society shows the cultural qualities such as hard working, harmony relationship, systematical procedure, perseverance etc. supporting long-term investment. And now Singapore is one of the developed country in Asian.

Positive attitude and hardworking are two important indicators in evaluating employee. You need to show your value to management that you can serve the company with long term

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