High Performance Work Practices

1770 Words8 Pages High Performance Work system practices. As brought out earlier various examples of highly successful organisations exists, which have implemented TQM measures to suit their requirement such as Kaizen, JIT, quality circles, 5S, six sigma, SPC, etc. All these techniques relate to high quality product or service, which would fail without the involvement of the employee performing these jobs. It is the men behind the machines who bring about the success and not the machines alone. Therefore the intentions and the mindset of the employee plays a major role in implementation of TQM measures. HR department has a very pivotal role to play to influence the intentions and the mindset, for converting the knowledge, skills and attitude …show more content…

Employee intensive commitment can only be achieved if the employee is self motivated and convinced that his needs are taken care of, both professional as well as personal. Various HR practices need to be implemented to address both these issues. Higher success rates have been achieved by the organisation, where HR department has specifically attended to individual needs rather than generic initiations. Having won the employee’s commitment on high involvement, specific training on TQM would bring in an element that works whole heartedly for bringing in a high performance work …show more content…

TQM’s founding fathers and subsequent proponents Deming, Crosby, Juran etc. have put forth various approaches of TQM. In today’s competitive world TQM not only is considered an important tool for success, but is required to be adopted for basic survival also. A detailed and deep study of methodologies proposed by these scholars, clearly bring out the human element involved in TQM. Organisations which have implemented TQM as mindsets in employees have better rates of success, than those organisations that use TQM in various processes. The organisational culture should be groomed so as to inculcate TQM principles and methodologies in all facets of the operations and administration. TQM should become a way of life for each and every employee. This culture transforms the employees in the organisation to be customer focus oriented with team work and an attitude of continuous improvement. Teamwork and team spirit as brought out earlier are important pillar stones for TQM

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