High Schools Begin Too Early In The Morning Essay

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Australian High Schools Begin Too Early in the Morning
It has been often argued by students, teachers and parents alike, although with little evidence provided, that Australian high schools begin too early in the morning. However, recent scientific discoveries conclude that a later start time theoretically improves a student’s learning capabilities. Three major scientific and ethical reasons have been discovered that could provide enough physical evidence to actually change the early morning start time for High Schoolers. One of which involves the authentic biology of a teenager’s brain, the second reason implicates the deteriorating wellbeing of high school’s students and the final reason explains why teens are more likely to use recreational drugs due to lack of sleep. Do you personally want to cause stress and trauma for your child and the children of Australia for no reason whatsoever or do you sincerely want to change this educational policy?
A teenagers’ brain is biologically unable to function at a maximum capacity due to an 8:40 start time. Research findings from as early as …show more content…

There is evidence of a relationship between insufficient sleep and depression, as well as general behaviour and mood. Due to this observation by researchers and scientists, most school start time studies include depression symptoms as part of their student’s assessments. Students who attended later starting schools appeared to experience fewer depression symptoms. Incidentally, shorter REM sleep latency, such as was observed by Carskadon and colleagues after an advance in start time, is also often observed in major depression. The wellbeing of students is completely at risk due to these unnecessary school start times. We cannot let this idiotic law ruin the children of Australia’s

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