Historical Consciousness

1971 Words8 Pages

Historical Consciousness as Motivative Dynamics and Fundamental Platform for Indian Christian Theological Formulations
On the onset one may think that the content of this paper is dealing with historical theology. This paper is not intended to do so. However, in a way, it is related to historical theology for it acknowledges and affirms the historical component in theological formulation and articulation. Historical theology involves a study of the formulation and development of Christian doctrines through history and how they were understood during different periods of time. One of the prime intentions behind this enquiry is to determine the historical origin of these theological formulations. It investigates the cultural and historical …show more content…

In this process, class, caste, and gender are of great importance. Gender is a universal agent of historical polarization. Class is more dominant in the Western World while caste is the most dominant factor in Indian subcontinent. These elements are historically constructed and categorically and systematically utilized for politics of power conflicts. In history these categorizations were used for dominating over the other. Understanding of their historical construction and utilization on the other hand open up avenues to see the manipulative dynamics which fragmentized the world within exploitative and oppressive power structure. It also throws light into the self-subjugative paralyticism of the subordinates in history. It is from recognizing the historical construction of these categories but from a different angle that the resistance platform is built. Here, historical consciousness acts as the dynamics that unlocks the closed doors of domination-subjugation …show more content…

On the one hand, this historical consciousness provides the theologizing community a realistic picture of the present situation construed through their own eyes. It prompts them to view their experience from their realized subjectivity as a historically constructed and conditioned subjectivity. On the other hand, this historical consciousness provides insights into how their subjectivity had been shaped through the course of time and space. That helps the theologizing community to address the politics of power as historically fabricated and sustained realities, which through course of time made normative and detached from historical trajectories. Hence, for any authentic theologizing historical consciousness becomes a perquisite. This is because, for the theologizing community historical consciousness is inevitable to identify and challenge the politics of hybridity and animosity to address the context of disparity. Historical consciousness interact with historical context within the frame of their God-consciousness in such a manner that their existence become noticeable, their resistance become meaningful and their inheritance become real. It is here theologizing becomes meaningful and

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