Essay On Belly Dance

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Belly dance work out Belly Dance ‘Belly Dance’ or tribal belly dance is a traditional dance form of the Middle East and North Africa. It is known as “Dans Oryantal” in Turkish and “Raqs Sharqi” in Arabic. The dance form is passed from mothers to their daughters, for ages. It is believed belly dancing prepares female body for child birth. Its origin is dates back to the 18 Century. Women’s social dancing evolved into belly dancing. It is a celebration of joy in the music. It is artistic self expression that brings out the confidence. It is an art form that is not restricted by any particular body type. It can be performed by all body types. It increases flexibility as well. Do you remember Rani Mukherjee dance song Aaga Bai from the movie …show more content…

• Relax and reverse the motion by expanding your lower belly as you draw in the upper belly • Creating and undulating wave with your abdominals, flip between the two movement For the visible results not just perform belly dance workout you have to enjoy belly dance work out. Take out your boom box play groovy beats, put up crop top and lower let loose yourself in the music and dancing exercise. Your body would dance on its own music and rhythm. Your body would be strong. Healthy and fit body not only makes you look great, but also it is good for your well being. Belly dance work out is not painful and hectic. On the contrary it relieves pain. It is fun and enjoyable. Bid a farewell to calories and fats and embrace dance fitness. You are going to love it. Try it at home. If you did not know about belly dance work out, you can thank us later. Be fit and healthy with dance fitness. Dancing leads to sweating that helps to get rid of the toxins. To keep yourself hydrated and get that glow in your face, drink lots of

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