History Of Logistics

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1.1. What is Logistics
Today world becomes very integrated more than ever. Distances became shorter and all kind of communication and transportation became easier. Because of this conjuncture logistics and supply chain management have appeared as a term. Transportation systems started to be more complicated and effective. Division of labor, different parts of workflows and commodities had to be transported from their place of origin to their place of consumption or place of use. The span time between raw materials to finished goods has to be bridged. It is also correct for both the people and the information involved in the fragmented workflow and which are available in different locations and times. The tasks and activities …show more content…

Logistics is thus one of the most important functions of the economy. This ranges from the procurement of raw materials to their processing and to the delivery of the goods to the end-user. 1.2. Historical Development Process of Logistics
The globalization is a social fact that occurred with the development of human society and increased with it. Logistics played a crucial role in the development of human society in the last 6000. It became a driving force to increase globalization all around the world. One of the most important events from ancient times that shows the importance of logistics is building of the pyramids in ancient Egypt (Rosen, 2012, p.42).
Since the construction of pyramids and transports of construction materials in ancient Egypt as well as the shipping container can be considered as components of globalization.
In ancient Egypt, Egyptians made a large scale of organizations to built pyramids. Stone blocks which are tens of tonnes were prepared on several fields then moved and combined on the site that dedicated to the pyramid …show more content…

Because of this improvement, Hanseatic League could reach a large distance and could make trade efficiently. The range of Hanseatic League extended from the North Sea to Africa, Mediterranean Sea and even the Black Sea. If this network can be analyzed, these modern ways of trade, the cross-border trade of the Hanseatic League has important similarities with the European Union of today (URL-3).
The next critical development of logistics occurred at the sixteenth century. At the 16th century, Europe continent bonded with postal service. After it first naval posting system developed as result of expansion of English and Spanish empires. These empires made several agreements about postal services and letters could be delivered to several points pro instantly or with small delays (Schouberechts, 2016,

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