Essay About Hoarding

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By Yeo Chia Hui In a country as famed for its shopping malls as it is for its sales, it’s little wonder that Malaysians love shopping. Be it window shopping or full-out shopping spree, we’ve been there and done that. Moreover, the dominance of online shopping - as is reported by Bernama in accordance to the PwC’s Total Retail 2016 Survey (Southeast Asia report), which brought to light the fact that consumers are making online purchases at least once a month - ensures that it is easy to immerse yourself in the act of buying. And with buying, comes the territory of hoarding. Alex Lui An Lieh, a clinical psychologist, senior lecturer and HELP University’s Head of the Psychology Department, explained that hoarding is an act of accumulating …show more content…

If they have no space and it is becoming maladaptive, it 's hoarding. Otherwise, they are just collecting.” Yours for keeps One’s reluctance to discard is a trait that is generally presumed for being a sign of hoarding, and this is something in common amongst the interviewees. Cheryl and Ruebini are hesitant because they believe that they will someday need these items again, even though that usually never happens. Meanwhile, sentimental reasons tied Derisha to her possession. “Those are the kind of thoughts that will lead to the hoarding behaviour. They probably feel that way because they think that the item is a part of them, thus discarding them is like throwing away a piece of themselves. A hoarder usually feels distressed when he or she has to throw or donate their posession,” explained Lui. When asked about their feelings regarding their possession, Derisha replied that it has never been anything negative as she only wanted her belongings close to her. Although Cheryl is not embarrassed at having amassed so many shoes and clothes, she is nevertheless overwhelmed when she wonders about “how to contain all of

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