Hospital Management Literature Review

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1.1 INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEM This is a project dealing with the computerization of services of Hospital Management of corporate sector. This project deals with the medical equipment and drugs given to the Customers. Hospital are the crucial part of our lives, providing best medical services to people suffering from various diseases, which may be due to change in climatic conditions, increased work-load, emotional trauma stress etc. It is essential for the hospitals to preserve track of its day-to-day actions & records of its patients, doctors, nurses, and other staff personals that keep the hospital running smoothly & successfully. In the present system all sort of medical services providing to the corporate employees, and payments and receipts …show more content…

The program can look after Inpatients, OPD patients, records, database treatments, status illness, and billings System has Admin, Doctor, Nurse, Administration, Pharmacist, Laboratories and Patient modules. Payroll and attendance record of employees can be maintained. Messages can be sending within this application. Patient can send online request for appointment. Medicines updated inventory record can be maintained. Blood donor's record can be maintained and they can be called as needed. The other system is the outspan hospital management system which CASE STUDY - THE ST. ROSS HOSPITAL The Challenge The challenge was the fact that many patients, particularly those who travel long distances to visit the department, tend to arrive hours before their scheduled appointment, further adding to the existing queues. Patient visibility was a further challenge; with staff time wasted searching for patients through manual records. Functionality of the new …show more content…

Store: This module keeps the watch over the stock/issue of various medicines to the Dispensary department. Billing: The bill is generated once the patient is discharged by the Doctor. The Solution Using patients register their arrival by entering the index on their appointment letter. Each patient enters a required queue, which respects the scheduled appointment time. Patients who arrive early are reminded of their actual appointment time. Patients who forget their appointment letter can check in manually by entering their first name into the system. Volunteers are also on hand to assist. The Results The system has reduced the queue completely, greatly reducing stress for staff and ensuring a good experience for patients. Data captured using the system will be used to improve appointment scheduling in the future as it provides a clear picture on patient flow from entry to exit. The system provides information on daily work flow, which has the benefit of enabling roster makers to improve staff rosters in the future and ensure high traffic areas are appropriately looked

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