How Did Benito Mussolini Rise To Power

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Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist known for his involvement in World War II and dictatorship over Italy. Forming the Fascist party in 1919, Mussolini became Italy’s prime minister in 1922, and continued to serve as Italy’s leader until 1943.
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on June 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy. Often spending most of his time on politics, his father, Alessandro, worked as a blacksmith and was a passionate socialist. His mother, Rosa, was a devout Catholic teacher that provided the family with stability and income where his father fell short. Growing up, Benito’s father instilled in him a passion for socialist politics; this was the main reason for his disobedience. Although he was expelled from a number of schools for resisting authority, he later became the headmaster of a school for a short time.
In 1902, Benito moved to Switzerland to promote socialism. He gained a favorable reputation but was noticed by Swiss authorities when performing political demonstrations, exiling him from the country. Upon his return to Italy in 1904, he continued promoting socialism and later became the editor for the organization’s newspaper, Avanti (Forward). Although he was against Italy joining World War I, his …show more content…

Following this, he created an unofficial force known as the “Black Shirts"; they coerced and terrorized opposing political groups and continued to promote fascism. Claiming that only he can liberate Italy from political chaos, Mussolini was given authority in 1922 as prime minister. He slowly abolished all democratic influences in Italy and renounced his dictatorship in 1925, gaining the title “Il Duce" (“The Dux"), meaning “The Leader". While in power, Mussolini decreased unemployment, which gained him favor with the