The Vietnam war initially begun in 1955, and the Hmong helped the Americans in 1962. The Hmongs decided to help the Americans because the Vietcongs would raid Hmong village and then a CIA agent came and gave them an opportunity to defend for themselves and their loved ones. As well as giving the Hmong people refuge to America if they succeeded or defeated in the war against communism. Countries started to officially pick sides in 1961. This is when General Vang Pao decided to take the United States offer to help in the war in order to have a passageway to the US.
Him and millions of people marched into the capital city of Hanoi, he issued the Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence. “From the American Declaration of Independence he borrow the famous statements, All men are created equal and they endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”(Zinn 469) Ho Chi Minh and his people were fighting for their freedom against French like the our founding fathers they fought against the British in 1776 for their freedom. The reason Vietnamese wanted to end the French occupation was because they imposed inhuman laws on the vietnamese. For instance, “the French government built more prisons than schools, they have slain their patriots, they have robbed their natural resources, they have enforced unnecessary taxes, people are living in a state of poverty, and two million Vietnamese people suffered from malnutrition and they were starved to death.”(Zinn
"The increasing influence of Japan in Indochina led Vietnamese nationalist and communist leader Ho Chi Minh to form a guerilla fighting force” (“French Indochina”, Vietnam War). After World War II, British and Chinese forces had to disarm the losing Japanese that were occupying Vietnam, leading to more warfare from the Japanese resistance. This also allows the French to take back Southern Vietnam after the war ("French Indochina", Japanese Imperialism). The withdrawal of troops from Japan in Vietnam allows the Viet Minh to take over much of northern Vietnam because of the lack of presence of the French in the north. This allows for the communists to establish the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the fighting with the French for total Vietnamese unification is called the First Indochina War.
We will never know what would off been, with the untimely death of Roosevelt and the reactions of an unexperienced Truman. Truman’s government feared soviet expansion which saw the ‘identification of Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as tools of Moscow’ . This lead to Truman’s policies of keeping strong friendship with other western powers at a time of communist expansion, especially with the French who he helped supply. This decision to turn a blind eye to the future of Indochina would set apart the revolutions ideology and focus just on the communist aspect; which would set course for the future and end with the devastation of not only a country but the losses of 50,000 American lives all at the expense of reducing the expansion of
The Vietnam War, which lasted from 1955 to 1975, was one of the most divisive and controversial conflicts in American history. It was a military conflict between the Communist North Vietnam, and South Vietnam, with the United States and other Western powers supporting the Southern Vietnamese. The war was fought in the context of the Cold War because the United States feared that Communism would spread throughout Southeast Asia if North Vietnam managed to take control of the entire country. The war had such a profound impact on American society, and still remains a subject of intense debate and analysis today. After World War I, Vietnamese leader, Ho Chi Minh, expressed many grievances against the French colonialists.
The North Vietnamese government along with Viet Cong fought to reunite Vietnam in the 1950s. This led up to the colonial war that initially started with France and America. America wanted to stop the expansion of communism to be worldwide this led up to start a 19 year old war in Vietnam. The occupation of the war in Vietnam was followed by American soldiers who were drafted and were forced to fighting the war. In If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O'Brien the author communicated to the reader the experience and struggle he went through while he was fighting in the Vietnam war.
The United States was involved in the Vietnam War in the 1960s in order to support South Vietnam’s fight for an economic and cultural ties to the West. On the other hand, North Vietnam supported the ideas of a communist economy. However, the United States’s involvement in the war caused a million of dollars and lives lost, lost of faith towards the country’s government, and divided the nation instead of uniting as one. More than three million people in the war died, and out of those three million, 58,000 were Americans. The Americans and the people in South Vietnam had fought for their beliefs of a modern Westernized country while North Vietnam had fought for a communist economy.
Ultimately, the Vietnamese did not want to change their way of government in any way, which started the Vietnam war. Walter Cronkite, a T.V. star in the twentieth century, stated in his broadcast “We are Mined in Stalemate” the Vietnamese are just loyal people protecting their freedoms, the U.S. are losing men and money for no reason, and the war is nowhere near an end. In the end of the war, Cronkite was right about what would occur in the Vietnam War and his broadcast summed up the whole war. The experience in this war became worse by time for the United States. It all began with the Tet offensive, a surprise attack on the United States on the Vietnamese new year.
However, later on most Americans changed their minds and the war became unfavorable at home. Then, President Gerald Ford officially ended the Vietnam War in 1975. The Vietnam War expanded divisions between the American
Nixon issued a policy of Vietnamization, which he hoped would decrease the need for American troops in Vietnam. However, this did not limit the war nor end the anti-war sentiment at home. Nixon, hoping to end North Vietnamese supply lines, launched American troops into the neutral Cambodia. This failed, and in the end brought widespread massacres and destabilized the region. As the war escalated, so did protests on college campuses.
The Vietnam conflict began long before the U.S. became directly involved. Indochina, which includes Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, was under French colonial rule. In 1946 communists in the north started fighting France for control of the
Chapter 3: OB Issues in Puss in Boots 3.1 Individual level 3.1.1 Input A. The Big Five Personality Model Extraversion For example, Humpty Dumpty invites Puss proactively to form a team together with him to pursue their dreams. He insists to involve Puss in Boots in his plan.
People had antiwar demonstrations in many parts of the country. In 1969, Richard Nixon was elected President. He started bringing soldiers home, but U.S. planes also increased bombing of North Vietnam and started bombing Cambodia, a country west of Vietnam. In 1973, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the United States agreed to a cease-fire.
According to, the beginnings of the Vietnam War began during World War II. During the world war the Japanese had invaded Vietnam, and to resist this action the French Colonial Administration, led by Ho Chi Minh, formed the league for the independence of Vietnam. After the allies defeat in 1945, Japan retreated and gave up its control in Vietnam. Ho saw this as an opportunity and seized control of Hanoi and then declared a democratic republic of Vietnam, naming himself president.
The United States was a big role in the Vietnam War. They feel like it is necessary to be involved. A few reasons that caused the United States to be allied with South Vietnam are communism, Truman Doctrine, and reunification. The Vietnam War started in 1954.