Cam Newton has had an amazing football career, but he has had to face multiple problems throughout his life. His perseverance to solve those problems and become an amazing football player is why many people not only think of him as a great player, but also a great person. Cameron Jerrell Newton was born on May 11th, 1989, in Atlanta, Georgia. He attended Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia. As the starting quarterback in his junior season he passed for 2,500 yards and scored 23 touchdowns, while rushing for 638 yards and nine touchdowns.
"Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world," Archimedes once said. Archimedes lived in ancient Greece, from 287-212 BC. He was born in Syracuse, Italy, to a small family. Cousin of King Hieron III, and son of Phidias, Archimedes was very popular. He was skilled in many fields, including mathematics, physics, inventing, and astronomy.
The history of the United States was heavily influenced by several bright and intelligent individuals. One of these people were Thomas Jefferson. In elementary school, you probably don’t learn much about him, but once you get to middle and high school your teachers will get into more depth about who he was and what he did to make America a better place to live in. Once you get to know more and more about him the story of his life begins to unfold, and you begin to see the side of him that most don’t know about. Most people know him as the writer of The Declaration of Independence, the 3rd President of the United States and a founding father.
Albert Einstein changed America with his many scientific discoveries. Born in Ulm, Germany in 1879, Einstein immigrated to America in 1933. He is most known for his theory of relativity, which “proposed a revolutionary conception of the physical world, suggesting that time, mass, and length were not fixed absolutes, but dependent on the motion of the observer” (How I See the World).
Galileo Galilei was a scientist, astronomer, mathematician, and inventor and he refined the telescope which led him to do amazing, revolutionary things. As Kristen Erickson says in “Solar System Exploration”, “Galileo changed the way we look at our solar system”. His main enlightenment was when he used his new and improved telescope to figure out how our solar system actually works. People used to believe the everything revolved around them and the earth was the center of the universe, that was until Galileo came along.
The Man Who Changed Society Charles John Huffam Dickens was a marvelous novelist, his work not only influenced literature but engrained itself into modern culture. Charles Dickens life seemed basically life a novel he would have written himself. The life of this famous author isn 't anything you would have expected. Even I was astonished to learn about Charles Dickens 's life. He introduced 247 new words or new usages to The Oxford English Dictionary.
He left a lasting legacy as someone who was constantly giving valuable ideas, working, and writing for most of his life. Hamilton had a quite normal early life, yet there was tragedy mixed in. Later in life, Hamilton claims he was born in 1757, yet some evidence shows to him actually being born in 1755.
Galileo Galilei It can be argued that there is another innovator or scientist during the Scientific Revolution that was the most revolutionary and impactful, however, Galileo was the most revolutionary and impactful mathematician and astronomer during the Scientific Revolution. This is true because Galileo completely changed the way that humans thought about and saw the world around them by discovering sunspots, the phases of Mars and Venus, the 4 moons that orbited Jupiter, and the principle of inertia. Galileo also proved the legitimacy of the Copernican system of Heliocentrism, which not only had effects in the field of science, but also in other fields, such as trading and how traders navigated the oceans. Therefore, Galileo truly changed
More importantly, how did his discoveries affect world history? Einstein not only changed the way we view the universe, but his discoveries eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bomb, which was a drastic game changer for the U.S. in World War II and the effects of which are still prevalent today. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany
The following are my seven commandments for my civilization i will be in charge of: The first commandment is to not kill, The second is to not steal, the third is to not commit adultery, the fourth is do to others as you would want them to do onto you, the fifth is always work hard and strive for greatness and prosperity, the sixth is to keep the seventh day of the week reserved completely for rest and church and preparation for the upcoming week, the seventh is to keep God in every action you take and to repent if you’ve done wrong. The First Commandment is to not kill, killing for starters is immoral and anyone who does it shall be punished to the furthest extent of the law. When you kill someone you are ripping away a person
Galileo was a well known astronomer and physicist during the time of the Renaissance. He was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa, and died in Arcetri on January 8, 1642. Galileo attended the University of Pisa where he studied medicine. However, He became more interested in astronomy and physics and decided to make that his profession. Before Galileo, the solar system was a mystery to everyone.
Sir Issac Newton and Galileo Galilei were two of the most leading scientist of 17th century. Unfortunately, the two were never able to work together as Issac Newton was born the same year Galileo died, 1642. One thing is for sure, between the two there was a storm of scientific revolution under way. I will begin with the earlier revelations of Galileo. Considered the father of modern science, Galileo made major contributions to the fields of physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy.
Most people know Leonardo Da Vinci as being painter but he was also a sculptor, architect, engineer, musician, inventor and scientist. Da Vinci was a hard worker and had a creative soul that reflected in all his work. From the Renaissance to present day Leonardo Da Vinci work is still admired and constantly influences people all around the world. Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the most gifted, well rounded artist of the Renaissance. This can been proven through research and collected data.
There were many events in his childhood that shaped his abilities to be innovative. He was born on December 25, 1652 at Woolsthorpe Manor, which is just south of Grantham in England. Newton was born into an upper middle class family. Despite being a very weak infant and people’s dismissive behavior towards him, he found ways to greatness. He was an only child and didn’t have a father until the age of three, when his mother got remarried.
“Amazing Grace” is about a time when John Newton was in a storm and prayed for the Lord’s mercy. John Newton was born in London on July 24, 1725. His mother was Elizabeth Scatliff. Newton loved learning from his mother because his father was barely ever around. Newton’s mother was a Christian religious woman.