
How Did Rafael Trujillo Cause The Fall Of The Dominican Republic

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“He who does not know how to deceive does not know how to rule”-Rafael Trujillo. This quote speaks the mind of a man who supported the fall of those around him and the one who ruled the Dominican Republic for 31 years, only to known for his cruel dictatorship. The issue that surfaced through the 31 year regime of Trujillo was dictatorship and communism. These social issues caused the Dominican Republic to fall yet strive to freedom. The three causes that created the equitable Republic it is today included foreign affairs, repercussion of war, and American intervention.
First, foreign affairs that dealt with the Dominican Republic included the United States. Trujillo became an enemy when he attempted to exile dissidents in the United states …show more content…

The assassination of Trujillo was done by young army officers in his own private army, acting on his own culture of assassination on May 30th, 1961. This death is represented by the bullet with the number “1961” to signify the year and the cause of death of Trujillo. After his death, the United States became involved with the direction of power in the Dominican Republic. Nominal power shifted to Trujillo's vice president, Joaquin Beleaguer, while real power remained with military men and while Trujillo's sons maneuvered for position. Common people rallied and rioted, demanding democracy. Two of Trujillo's sons left the island. Then, the Kennedy administration intervened. Six months after the Bay of Pigs invasion, the United States had warships with 4000 Marines appear just outside the three-mile limit of the Dominican Republic. A jet fighter flew overhead, and all members of the Trujillo family fled the country. Finally, after having the United States intervene with the power of the Dominican Republic, the people prepared itself for elections. Only the republic's small Communist Party was outlawed, in deference to the United States. In the elections that year, the pro-Castro party did poorly. The winner, with 62 percent of the vote, was Juan Bosh, who belonged to the Dominican Revolutionary Party. Juan Bosh was an anti-Communist reformer, as was

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