The Cherokee people were faced with a problem because they were forced to leave their property due to the Indian Removal Act. This Act was presented by Georgia so the state could have Cherokee land. The historical question is asking what path was best; migrating west or to stay put and fight back? The tribe was torn on what side to be a part of.
The trail of Tears was an unethical decision implemented by the government of the United State. The President Jackson used force to push the native American out of their lands. According to, << Over 20,000 Cherokees were forced to march westward along the Trail of Tears. About a quarter of them died along the way>>.
Niles Auerbach #10434860 History 7a online TAKE HOME OPEN BOOK ESSAY QUESTION 1: How were the southeastern tribes affected by the removal/relocation And did we as a nation even care?
Here and there has been problems popping from past or present, but one problem from the past called the Indian Removal act of 1830, it took most of Georgia’s residents to take care of this case, where a huge debate happened if the Cherokee’s are allowed to stay in the Northern part of Georgia or not stay or get forced out of Georgia. The indian removal act caused a lot of problems with the Indians, specifically the Cherokees and the Americans. The cherokees lived in the northern part of Georgia while the purpose of the Americans was to expand and gain more land, but the Cherokees doesn’t want to move due to the northern of Georgia was their own land, and they have developed many agricultural, industry, and their own government.
Push/Pull Informational Paragraph: The Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Indians were forced to migrate from their native homelands because the new settlers coming to the U.S. wanted the Native’s land. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were the main enforcers of removing the Indians and relocating them to the land that we now call Oklahoma. This plan was called the Indian Removal Act. A few Indians felt insecure and left immediately, but the other 100,000 or so from places like Michigan, Louisiana, and Florida stayed. Soon enough, gold was discovered to be amongst the Cherokee lands, giving the settlers even more of a reason why they want it as soon as possible.
The Trail of Tears is undoubtedly one of the most inhumane events in U.S history. It all started with the Indian removal act enforced by President Andrew Jackson. The U.S military were ordered to forcefully evict many innocent people and have them walk extremely long distances during excruciating weather. Many Indians dropped dead in the midst of the trail causing grief for the Indians hence, its name Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was an abomination for the U.S due to the fact that this act was unconstitutional,caused mass genocide, and the land had originally belonged to the natives.
In 1828, Georgia passed a string of laws that violated the rights of the Cherokee people. One of the law passed by the state of Georgia also allowed the removal of the Cherokee from their own land After the settlers that were after the natives land had been burn and destroying houses and towns, and trespassing among other things, with the support of the state government the Cherokee’s brought a case to the supreme court. The treaties negotiated between Georgia and the Cherokee were negotiated as the Cherokee as an Independent Nation, this guaranteed the independence of both the land and the people of the Cherokee Nations. Cherokee tried negotiating with congress and Andrew Jackson, both of which failed. The Cherokee Nation, represented by John Ross who was the principal chief of the Cherokee’s, then filed for an Injunction at the Supreme Court against Georgia repeal the unfair laws.
The Trail of tears was when Andrew Jackson forced the Cherokee tribe to give up all of their land east of the mississippi river. In 1829, Andrew Jackson signed the Indian removal policy, to make it so the Indians would get with drawn from the east of the Mississippi River and relocate them to the west of the Mississippi River. The tribes that were affected were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. These tribes had to leave their homeland and get relocated to the west of the Mississippi River against their will, so that slave owners could use their land for slavery. Andrew Jackson illegally forced the Cherokee tribe off of their land because the Supreme court ruled that the state of Mississippi couldn't make treaties or do anything that was on Cherokee land.
The trail of tears was a tretrous journey that the native Americans took. Because the Americans would promise land, then take it back. First off it was approximately one thousand miles. The five different tribes were the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, and finally the Creek. They traveled from deep in the south to present day Oklahoma.
In the late 1800s, tensions were rising between white Americans and Native Americans. The white Americans wanted the Native Americans to conform to their definition of civility. The Native Americans had clung tightly to their culture and religious practices during a time of continuous encroachment and governmental pressure by the white Americans. By this time, Native Americans had already been forced westward onto reservations through government action. Andrew Jackson had set this migration in motion earlier in the century, and the migration pattern would later be referred to as the “Trail of Tears”.
While making this gruesome travel more than 4,000 Indians died from disease, starvation and treacherous conditions. This travel became known as the “trails of tears”. These Native Americans were not how white settlement described them. Many of the tribes adopted Euro-american practices and created their own communities with schools and churches, even developed their own languages and created bilingual newspapers.
Leslie Price History final 1. What was the Trail of Tears? What impact did it have on American expansion? The trail of tears was the result of the 1830 Indian removal act.
In the 16th century, the Cherokee Indians were classified as the one of the most socially and culturally advanced Native American Tribes. The Trail of Tears forcefully removed the innocent Cherokee tribe from their homelands. In this paper, I will explain the how the Trail of Tears affected the Cherokee Indians. I will do this by explaining the Cherokee Indians life before, what happened during the Trail of Tears, and the Cherokee life after.
Before the world was made, all beings lived in the sky. - The Trail of Tears was a turning point for the Cherokees in America. Being forced to move westward for the American benefit cost them greatly. The Cherokees’ once rich culture was damaged from this forced movement. Cherokee men were strong and fearless fighters.
The Trail of Tears was a result of the Indian Removal Act, which as enacted by President Andrew Jackson. The stipulation of the act was that the United States government would negotiate with the Native tribes for their land and reward them with reasonable compensation. However, the circumstances were not ideal, things did not go as planned and eventually things went out of hand. President Jackson dispatched General Winfield Scott and seven thousand US Army soldiers were sent to forcibly remove the Natives from their land. They placed the resisting natives in holding pins “like cattle” and marched them towards the west 8,000 miles from what was their land.