Who do you think was more loyal to Caesar? Brutus or Antony? What happens is Cassius creates a group of conspirators, who later is led by Brutus. Meanwhile, Caesar thinks Brutus is one of his most dearest friends. Once they kill him, Brutus, then Anthony make a funeral speech. After the speeches, Rome turns on the conspirators and revolts because of them. When Antony and Brutus’s armys go to war, the conspirators end up killing themselves one by one. The last one to die is Brutus, the best of them all. Antony’s funeral speech in Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, was the most effective due to his use of pathos, logos, and ethos. Antony uses pathos to effectively make the crown feel bad for Rome and mourn for Caesar’s death. First off in the speech, Antony comes right out and tells the people listening that them and himself are friends. He does this when he states “Friends, Romans, Countrymen”. He also tells them that they all loved Caesar at one point in time, so why aren’t they moarning him now? “You all did love him once, not without cause: what cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?” By making all of these points, he makes the audience feel bad and be sorry for the brutal death of Caesar. …show more content…
He does this to get his point across without directly coming out and just saying what he wants to say. He repeatedly says Brutus is an honourable man, when we all know that he does not think that at all. He does this by saying “Brutus is an honourable man.” He also talks about how Caesar is ambitious, but he actually does not mean it because he gives multiple rebuttals about how he is not. He simply says multiple times, “Caesar is ambitious”. By explaining all this and saying what he says, he makes them believe that Caesar was not ambitious and cared, and that if Brutus was loyal, he would not have killed