Positive And Negative Impact Of Globalization On Global Sustainability

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Globalization is the process of economic, financial, trade, governments of different nations’ interaction. This process affects significantly not only local environment, culture, political system, economic development, also human physical well-being in societies around the world. (Globalization101.org, 2017) Global sustainability concerns with the use of resources over time, moreover, it sees the world as entirety and studies how the world’s people exploit individual resources globally, especially some specific natural resources. (McGee, 2017)
As far as I am concerned about that globalization is not only a trend of doing business, also strong influence of lifestyle, for instance, more and more companies prefer to establish their factories in some countries with lower labor cost, and fast-food culture spreads from the United State to universe. Besides, in my opinion that global sustainability is mostly related to the positive aspects, for example, the issue of global warming and poverty can be solved by the cooperation of different government from countries worldwide and NGOs.
It is well-documented that globalization can better global sustainability, in terms of economic, such as eliminating poverty. On the other hand, climate change and global environment are deteriorated by globalization.
This essay looks at idea in favor of and against …show more content…

Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on global sustainability. In spite of some negative impacts caused by globalization on global sustainability and some unaccomplished goals of SDGs since 2000, the success of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) agenda also proves that global cooperation is likely to slowly improve the whole world, and achieve the milestone of global sustainability. We need to ensure that the all nations work together and help each other to continue developing global sustainability

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