
Holocaust Essay

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The girl is shoved into the abyss of people. The Jews look up expecting a shower of poisonous gas, but instead receive an order from the guard telling them to clear out. This group of lucky Jews survive the infamous Nazi gas chambers due to a technical failure in the container holding the poison. During the Holocaust, or the genocide of Jews by Nazis, the Nazis would exterminate Jews using gas chambers, The leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, was an evil man, wanting to superiorize the German Race. He attempted this feat by killing over 6 million Jews in 12 years. Although the leader of Germany wanted to terminate Jews, some brave few who risked their lives did not believe in Hitler’s ideals. People who show such courage and humanity …show more content…

Hans stands on the road watching parade of Jews go by, and even though guards are watching, he steps forward and, “...the Jew stood before him, expecting another handful of derision, but he watched with everyone else as Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like magic” (Zusak 394). Not only is Hans courageous enough to give the man bread, but is ready for the strict reprimand to follow. Hans could have been beaten or even killed by the Nazi guards but, he sacrifices himself for one man to receive a piece of bread. He is setting a precedent for the other citizens to show them that they should stand up to the Nazis and fight the injustice that they create. Even greater than Hans Hubermann, was a German man named Oskar Schindler. He helped shelter over 1,200 Jews during the Nazi’s rule in WWII. Oskar Schindler wanted to help these Jews so much that he, “...spent millions to protect and save his Jews, everything he possessed. He died penniless” (“Oskar Schindler”). The humanity and …show more content…

These ordinary and extraordinary people are the true heroes in helping to stop the human weakness in these difficult times. People need to remember and focus on the humanity spread during these times rather than focusing on the hardships and weakness that people are facing. Men like Hans Hubermann, Oskar Schindler, Paul Rusesabagina, Martin Luther King Jr, and Abraham Lincoln are these people who rise up to fight the oppression against them. Without these good people who helped pave the road to ending the suffering of innocent people, Hitler, and others who created this misery and destruction, might have succeeded in their nefarious actions. When times become desperate and difficult, people create power within themselves and many more people alive. The instinctual choice of creating and using humanity to help others is the right thing to do. Humanity is an instinctual choice inside us all that one just has to have the courage and bravery to

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