Balanced And Healthy Diet Essay

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Role Of A Balanced And Healthy Diet In Preventing Heart Diseases Heart diseases and nutritional diet go hand in hand as nutritious food will play an important role in maintaining better health. The habit of poor eating is said to be main cause of several disease. In this article, we are going to discuss regarding the common heart disorders and also the role of nutritious diet in preventing diseases related to heart. Different types of heart ailments: There are different kinds of heart diseases and it’s not possible to control all the conditions with the help of a healthy diet. Even though nutritious food seems to be essential for overall well being, nutritional diet and heart diseases might not possess a direct link with one another. Certain heart malfunctions may need surgery. For instance, pvcs heart dangers could be cured simply with surgery, since a balanced diet could not able to help treat the above mentioned condition. Given below are different kinds of heart diseases: • Coronary heart disease: It is generally caused thinning of arteries, which carry blood. This condition needs surgery or medication as it reduces the blood flow within the heart. • Cardiomyopathy: This kind of disease is popularly referred to as heart attack. This may be caused by blockages found in the arteries. Several reasons are responsible for the …show more content…

Just cutting out meats away from your diet will save your life. The main culprit, which causes heart attacks, is saturated fats, since they will clog the heart causing the liver to produce cholesterol in larger quantity. Meats, particularly red meat would also be loaded with cholesterol that compounds the risk of gaining heart disease. Avoiding almost all types of meats from your daily diet will considerably minimize the amount of trans fats, saturated fats, cholesterol and hydrogenated oils, thereby leaving you free from heart

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