How Does Jem Finch Show Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, there are plenty of themes and morals of the story as the book is read. But there is one theme that is very important, and can relate to anybody in the world today. That theme is that true courage is not shown by just one person. We can pull plenty of people from the novel to prove this theme true, some of the characters can be Atticus Finch, who is the father of Scout Finch and Jem Finch, Mrs. Dubose, an old woman who was described by Scout as “plain Hell”, who later dies in the book, Tom Robinson, an African American who is convicted of beating and raping a white girl, and Boo (Arthur) Radley, who is a man who has been hiding in his home for almost the entire timeline of the book, until he comes …show more content…

In the trial of Tom Robinson, which starts in chapter 17, Atticus shows plenty of courage and sympathy for Tom Robinson by getting as much detail as he can out of every witness’s story so he can prove that Tom Robinson is not guilty. Many of the people in Maycomb county do not approve of Atticus attempting to stand up for a negro, but instead of backing down and giving up, even in the end of the trial when Tom is proven guilty, he continues to stand up for Tom and does not care what people think about him. Tom Robinson shows courage because he is brave enough to tell the entire truth to the jury about what happened, even when he knows that he is going to lose the trial. When she becomes sick, Mrs. Dubose attempted to get rid of her addiction to her medication before she dies, and she succeeds. And finally, Boo or Arthur Radley shows courage by leaving the safety and darkness of his home to save Scout and Jem when they are attacked by Bob Ewell in chapter 28. All of those people showed plenty of courage throughout the novel, and their actions are something they will always be remembered for by readers today, and hopefully readers today can show courage like them