
How Does Remarque Create Identity In All Quiet On The Western Front

617 Words3 Pages

Andrew Servis
Mrs. Carpenter
Honors English 10
03 March 2016
Identity in All Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet on the Western Front is a classic novel written by Erich Maria Remarque. In this novel, the reader is given a clear visual of what it was like to be a German soldier during World War I. Throughout the story, the reader is given a great understanding of the horrendous things these young men had to endure. Remarque uses great detail and imagery to show how the men felt and the conditions they were in. Throughout the novel, Remarque constantly reminds the reader about the thematic concept of sacrifice. Remarque uses the thematic concept of sacrifice to impact the plot of the story and to show how soldiers had to live during this time period. Throughout the novel, Remarque writes about many different types of sacrifices. For the majority of World War I, sacrifices were constantly being made. These sacrifices included time, money, future, education and even lives. Early in the book, the reader is introduced to one of the first sacrifices mentioned in the book. The author uses clever writing to show the sacrifice in this quote, "While they continued to write and talk, we saw the wounded and dying. While they taught that duty to one's country is the …show more content…

In chapter 3, she describes how the men sleep. Using great detail, the reader can clearly see what it was like for the soldiers to sleep every night. In this quote, the author describes the sleeping conditions for the soldiers and the problems they faced with it every night, "Anyone who looked at their sallow skin could see that. The matter ended in one of them always sleeping on the floor, where he frequently caught cold" (Remarque 63). This quote also shows the thematic concept of sacrifice. Every night some soldiers sacrifice their sleep and a bit of their health to help and care for

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