How Does Social Media Change Your Life

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Argumentative Writing
“Social Media should improve your life, not become your life”. Social Media is a combination of a wide variety of social networks that many people value most, especially teenagers and young adults. Users can begin relationships, socialise and also boost their confidence. Moreover, the use of social media can be an advantageous origin of communication, but is it a distraction or just part of our life?
Social media provides a form of communication with family and friends, where people can send messages and share pictures with one another. People can feel close to each other and maintain relationships by the usage of social media. Some may agree that by using social media, one’s confidence can increase. However, it is important to understand that a person cannot hide behind their computer screen forever. In order to become assertive, it is essential to meet people and engage in conversations.
Socialisation is defined as an ongoing process by which an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the values, behaviour and social skills suitable to his/her life. Social media is considered as a source of socialisation as people can become friends by sharing similar interests and likes and so, a person can have more friends. But how far can we trust these friends? Most of these fanatic users have false images and incorrect …show more content…

In today’s society, youth can be known as endangered, if they don’t do what is cool, then they are not part of the “gang”. Nowadays, not having an account in a social networking site can be considered as being anti-social, but it actually isn’t. It is one’s wish to decide how one use social media in their lives, as stated by the quote “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do

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