
How Is Utilitarianism Valid

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John Stuarts Mills Theory of Utilitarianism remains valid because it's useful. Utilitarianism gives practical guidelines to living one's life, Utilitarianism affirms happiness as primary importance to human life, finally it has a clear defined goal to maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. His theory remains relevant because it gives us rules to live by. Utilitarianism gives practical guidelines to live. Utilitarianism affirms the utility of our actions. The basis of action is based upon pleasure and displeasure. In a number of situations, we can identify when to act. The guidelines are general enough that any man can follow. So long as he doesn't cause unhappiness to the majority. It acknowledges …show more content…

Utilitarianism will always be valid because any man, attains results. According to Ki su Kim in John Stuart Mill's Concepts Of Quality And Pedagogical Norms goes on to say “seek a stimulus if it was pleasant, to avoid it if unpleasant ...his natural response was thought to be essential to the preservation of human existence... each person must be allowed to pursue pleasure; happiness could be promised only thereby.” Utilitarianism is valid because it gives us conduct to our behavior. For the principle existence of our lives is based seeking pleasure and avoiding displeasure.. Utilitarianism identifies this core need within us. It affirms, that that usefulness of are actions is guided towards pursuing pleasure. Precisely because it identifies this core human need, it makes it valid. Ultimately it's valid because it gives men the ability, to discern there interest, how to conduct themselves, and is practical. This quote shows that man's living guideline is seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Utilitarianism tells us that the utility of are actions is guided towards …show more content…

The true staying power of utilitarianism is maximizing happiness of everyone. It acknowledges both the individual within the group and the group. By acknowledging the happiness of the majority it acknowledges there worth. Effectively speaking, it acknowledges there interests which translates to there joy. Mills theory remains valid because it accounts for everyone. Lanny Ebeinstein goes on to say in Mill's Theory of Utility “ if we truly love our neighbors as ourselves, then there is nothing we can do more for them than to give our lives for them. Also, though, if we truly love our neighbors as ourselves, then nothing will give us greater pleasure than making such a sacrifice.”(Pg.6) Utilitarianism remains important because the happiness of other's is are own happiness. Mills connects sacrifice of one for the joy of many. Sacrificing one's own joy in reality benefits him. It's valid because it accounts for the majority's incentive to be happy. Finally it connects the action of loss of one to the benefit of many. The loss of one invariably creates the joy of all. If the desireable end goal for everyone is to be happy, then utiilitarian is because it punishes bad happiness. It identifies selfless happiness of the individual who gives his interest for the interest of everyone. The neighbor sacrifices himself for the greater good of everyone and ultimately he feels happy. In conclusion

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