Explain Why We Need To Save The Environment Essay

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Every year, 2.12 billion tons of waste are dumped. If this amount of waste was put on trucks, they could go around the world 24 times. Even though we all know that this high amount of waste is causing problems to our planet, most people do not make an effort to change anything. Unfortunately, waste is not the only environmental problem that people cause. Due to the demand of products from distant countries, products need to be transported very far, which increases the use of energy. If we want to save our planet, we need to make changes. Each human being is responsible for the bad changes and has to do something for a healthier planet.

Many people buy products as food or clothes that are transported to our supermarkets from very far away. They are not aware, or they don’t want to be aware of the high increase of energy use this causes and the consequences it takes. There are several reasons, why people buy products from distant countries. One reason are the costs. Especially clothes produced in our country are much more expensive than clothes produced in other countries like China. Therefore, most people prefer buying cheap products, even though our environment suffers. Some people even drive for more than an hour so that they can buy products in another country, where they are cheaper. They do not consider the amount of energy they use, this only to save some …show more content…

Another big issue is the food waste. People throw away tons of food every day. This is a shocking fact, since most of this food is still edible. We could change a lot if we only purchased what we really needed or if we reused the left-overs. Furthermore, a lot of food is thrown away due to the expiry date, even though it is still perfectly fine and won’t harm us. It would be great improvement if everyone planned their food usage so that there weren’t any expired products that needed to be thrown

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