Best Fit Case Study

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The discipline of human resources management (HRM) has evolved from personal management (PM) over past few decades significantly. The concept of PM can signify as satisfaction the basic employee needs and can trace back to 1940s. A rapid progression of the PM recognized during 1940s – 1970s, which showed significant concern about people rather than systems. In early 1980s, the concept of HRM developed influenced by number of factors like globalization, evolution of technology, high educational levels etc.
Guest (1987) and Armstrong (1999) differentiated HRM and PM and suggested HRM approach is more strategic than PM is more traditional. Armstrong (1999) stated HRM is a strategic approach towards achieving organizational goals where PM concerns …show more content…

In agreement with this, Fombrun et al (1948) demonstrated hard HRM aspects in his strategic model. Storey (1989) also argued in soft aspects employees are treated as valuable assets to the organization. Most common soft HRM model is Harvard model of HRM (Beer et al), which highlighted HR policies, should influence by the stakeholders in order to success.

Best fit concentrates on various HRM strategies which focus on a given needs of both the organization and individuals (Armstrong 2006). Best fit approach emphasis on appropriate HR strategies along with culture, process and environment. Best fit can categorized as internal fit and external fit. According to Delery and Doty, (1996) internal fit is the level of alignment coherent of HR policies to HRM system and external fit resembles alignment of HRM practice with strategic management process (Schuler & Jackson, 1987)
Increased organization performance is influenced by best HRM practice regardless strategies (Guest 2000). Pfeffer (1994) stated seven key factors of best practice which are employment security; selectivity in hiring; self-management work teams; high compensation contingent on work performance; extensive training; reduced status differences; and …show more content…

As a strategy, 360 degree input meets various other processes to utilize as a part of associations to tackle the capability of people. Boice & Kleiner (1997) suggested “triangulation’ of multi-level ratings improve confidence of employees. However both advantages and disadvantages of 360 degree appraisal can be recognized. Advantages can be described as comprehensive employee feedback from variety of sources, broader prospective, individual growth, increased responsibility towards clients, recognition of internal conflicts, employee improvement as well as improvement of corporate culture. However, disadvantages can be stated as time consuming, expensive, dishonest feedback, lack of feedback or personal feedbacks as well as lack of following feedback can be recognized. Furthermore, Fletcher (2001) and Bascal (1999) strongly disagreed with 360 degree feedback as contradicting data

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