
Huck Finn Summary Chapter 1

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Huck arrives at the Phelps house he becomes to feel lonesome, because the droning of bugs and quivering of leaves make it feel “like everybody’s dead and gone.” He says that, generally, such a feeling makes a person wish he were dead too., as he approaches the house, dogs swarm around Huck, but soon a slave comes out and yells at the dogs to scram. The slave is followed by two black children, a white woman, Aunt Sally, and two white children. The white woman welcomes Huck, thinking that he is her nephew Huck. Aunt Sally then calls Huck into the house and asks questions about his journey, and because of this Huck is forced to lie, but when Aunt Sally starts to ask about his family Huck finds himself stuck. Luckily Uncle Silias decides to walk
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