Social Development: The Importance Of Social Skills In Young Children

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A three year old is at the beginning of learning how to get on with others (“child development: 3-4 years” par. 1). Social skill teaches a child patients and to share with others. A three year old start to understand social skills like sharing and being kind, but can only practice these skills for a small amount of time when they feel safe and happy (“child development: 3-4 years” par. 1). If a child do not feel secure they may show signs of aggression and throw tantrums. Aggressive behaviors are actions that are intended to cause injury or anxiety to others, including hitting, kicking, destroy property, quarreling, and attacking others verbally (Mussen, Conger, and Kagan 329). A child can be upset when other people are upset because they learn that other people are real and have feelings (“child development: 3-4 years” par. 2). They are very friendly, they want to say “hi” to everyone that they see whether they know who they …show more content…

A toddler may climb objects, stand, and walk, run on tiptoes, ride a tricycle skillfully. Stand on one foot for several seconds and show improving skills in ball games (“child development: 3-4 years” par. 14). They even improve on their drawing. In drawing their strokes are becoming better defined, less diffuse and less repetitive (Mussen, Conger, and Kagan 286). As they grow and get older they becomes physically stronger. By 4 years the child psychomotor skills have increased which they run more smoothly (Mussen, Conger, and Kagan 286). Playing ball games is much complicated than other motor skills for a toddler. The athletic skills of most nursery school children are restricted to large muscle coordination such as climbing, balancing, running, pushing, and pulling, but skill in throwing a ball is more complex which requires “a fine sense of static and dynamic balance, accurate timing of delivery and release, good eye- hand coordination and appropriate functioning of the fingers, as well as the arm, trunk, head and legs, in controlling the trajectory of the ball” (Mussen, Conger, and Kagan …show more content…

The preschool child of 3 or 4 learns, perceives, thinks, reasons, and solves problems in ways that are vastly different from those that characterize the 1 or 2 year old (Mussen, Conger, and Kagan 298). A child uses their imagination which helps them to develop mentally. The very young infant is not only maturing, but also having experiences which are important for mental development (Breckenridge and Murphy 278). A child like to use their imagination which is a form of thinking. At the age of 3 to 6 years they are able to separate reality and fantasy (“The stage of self-awareness and imagination” par. 3). When parent participate and get involve with their children feelings they can help them develop self-esteem. As their self-esteem develops they will learn to assure themselves that things are fine and they will get better at handling emotions (“Preschooler development at 3-4 years: What’s happening?” par. 1). Whether most people believe it or not playing is essential to a child’s growth. Playing is important because it’s how a child learns and explores feelings (“Preschooler development at 3-4 years: What’s happening?” par.