Pure Rational Aspect Of The Soul Analysis

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We have already noted that the human soul has two aspects i.e. the impure rational aspect and the pure rational aspect. We have also noted and discussed the impure rational aspect of the soul and its twofold division. Now we shall come to the pure rational aspect of man. This aspect of the soul is not connected with any part of the body. It indicates the highest part of the soul and thus, it is the spiritual part of the soul. Rational intelligence or the pure wisdom is the characteristic of this part of the soul. This part of the soul can realize the ideas which are the only real objects in the Socratic sense of the term ideas. This part of the soul is very much simple, indivisible, pure and single unit. The senses of the body cannot reach …show more content…

Do the impure and the pure rational aspect of the soul exist in an equilibrium state in man? If not which part of the soul play the dominating role in influencing the other part? In reply to this question it can be said that although the lower part of the soul is in always conflict with the other part of the soul, but it cannot be said that this part of the soul plays the all time dominating and influencing role to other aspects of the soul. In fact the pure rational aspect of the soul should play the dominating role to other aspects of the soul. Just as the charioteer plays the dominating role in conducting the chariot similarly the pure rational part of the soul plays the dominating and influencing role in conducting the soul. But at the same time it should also be noted that although the pure rational part/aspect plays a dominating role, the role of the other aspect of the soul cannot be overlooked. Just as the chariot cannot run properly without the help of the other two horses, similarly the other two aspects of the soul play an important role in the proper development of an individual. The personality of man can develop properly when these two aspects of the soul are in perfect equilibrium with each other and each plays the assigned role perfectly without hindering the part of the other …show more content…

The knowledge of the highest beauty, knowledge of the mathematics and geometry are not obtained by a person through sense experiences. Rather they were stored in the soul when it was in the world of ideas and were in a disembodied state. If the knowledge of the highest beauty, knowledge of the mathematics and geometry were not obtained by the soul previously in the world of ideas, it would not be possible for the person to recollect them in the present birth. Thus, the soul is eternal and

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