Introverted Person Analysis

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I am a highly introverted person and, just like any other introvert, I've never been fond of big crowds. In fact, I've never been fond of small groups of people if there's at least one person I'm not overly familiar with. I don't particularly like going out, meeting new people, make public performances or any other activities which involve people I don't know and me. I would much rather spend a Saturday night watching movies or reading than out in a club. Every day I go to school earlier hoping that I wouldn't meet anyone from school on the tram and be forced to talk to them. I rather search for things around store for half an hour than ask an employee. I text people when I'm outside their house so I wouldn't have to go inside and talk to their family. I even got lost a few times because that seemed more normal to me than asking a passenger for directions. …show more content…

Small talk about the weather while I'm waiting for the bus with just one person on the station? Not my thing. Asking for a book in a library when I can't find it myself? I'd rather search for it for hours. Calling a taxi? No, feeling anonymous in crowded buses is just fine. Seeing a famous person and asking for an autograph? No, watching them from the bushes is better. Making a phonecall to order a pizza? I'd rather be hungry. Despite everything I've just said, I am not a necessarily shy person. I have no problems with raising my hand and talking in class, participating in friends' conversations, attending small birthday parties, texting people I know... While I am mostly quiet, it's not a rule. If the topic of discussion is interesting enough, I'll be the loudest and most opinionated person in the group (small and familiar group,

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