Arch Bridge Essay

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Bridge Construction between Ibaan and Taysan A Feasibility Proposal Submitted to Engr. SiddArtha Valle By Erwin Repollo Noriega B.S. Civil Engineering 1. Introduction The world’s roadway system serves as linkage of places and people across different nations and countries. The engineers have developed a system for the purpose of travelling with ease, and of contributing for the economic growth of the country. These roadways connect the people from their houses towards the town or shopping center, or their work areas. The roadways are good means of transporting goods and products for trading with others. The roadways are the media to see the wonders of the world. The roadways indeed are essential in the lives of everyone. Bridge is one of the most important structures nowadays. A bridge is a part of the roadway system that can help people in transportation. Some of its uses are walkways, highways/roads, railways, pipelines, connecting lands, crossing rivers and canyons. 2. RationaleWhat is the problem statement?Municipality of Ibaan is known for having abundant environmental resources, products and resorts as well as Taysan. Exchanging of goods, …show more content…

An arch bridge is a bridge with abutments (the point where the 2 structures or objects meet) at each end shaped as a curved arch. Arch bridges work by transferring the weight of the bridge and its loads partially into a horizontal thrust by the abutment at either side. An arch bridge is a type of bridge that relies on a curved, semi-circular structure for its support. Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of bridges and have great natural strength. Instead of pushing straight down, the weight of an arch bridge is carried outward along the curve of the arch to the supports at each end. These supports are called the

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