Ibuprofen Mechanism Of Action

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Ibuprofen, RS-2-(4-isobutylphenyl) propionic acid, is one of the most potent orally active antipyretic, analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of chronic and acute pain (Bhavik R. Kesur, 2012). Ibuprofen is known to have an antiplatelet effect, though it is relatively mild when compared with aspirin. Its analgesic effect starts after 30 minutes and lasts few hours. Ibuprofen is removed with urine and does not cumulate in human body. Ibuprofen's mechanism of action is to block the production of prostaglandins by marginally inhibiting COX-2 enzyme (Vu Dang Hoang, 2014). Ibuprofen is white to off-white in colour and is a crystalline powder, and is practically insoluble in water, but readily soluble in organic …show more content…

Spectrophotometric methods are described in this paper, the simultaneous determination of paracetamol and ibuprofen using derivatives of the ratio spectra method (Yousry M., 2011), and the determination of Ibuprofen using difference spectroscopy (Hapse S.A, 2011). The objective of this work is to use these methods to establish a straight-forward, rapid and precise method in the analysis of Ibuprofen for undergraduate laboratory practical’s. The second aim of this work is to establish a method to separate pharmacologically active components in over-the-counter medication by solvent extraction. The chosen medication, Excedrin®, contains three active components, aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine, and a binding material. One tablet contains 250mg of aspirin, 250mg of acetaminophen and 65mg of caffeine. These three compounds in combination are said to be effective against migraine headaches. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory and has an important role in preventing cardiovascular disease (Ji Ma, 2017). Caffeine is a stimulant and is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. Paracetamol, or acetaminophen is also an analgesic and an antipyretic (Revell, …show more content…

The spectra were smoothed at Δλ=2nm and divided by the smoothed Δλ=2nm of Ibuprofen at 14μg/ml. The second derivative was calculated for the obtained spectra with Δλ=8nm, the results showed that a standard spectrum of 14μg/ml of Ibuprofen is a suitable divisor. As seen in the spectra in Figure 2, there are two maxima, 238.9nm and 241.3nm, and two minima, 244.5 and 246.0nm. The signals at these wavelengths are proportional to the concentration of Paracetamol in the range 2-24μg/ml. 238.9nm was selected for the determination of mixtures and commercial tablets due to the low standard deviation and appropriate mean

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