Explain Sun Zi's Theory On Quick-Tempered

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Theory 5 “If he is quick-tempered and easily angered, he can be provoked.” Sun Zi said that, if someone gets angry easily, he will be fooled or tricked all the time. In fact, anger is really dangerous. When someone gets angry, he will lose control of himself. His mindset will be disrupted, causing him to make decisions that he would not want to do when he is sober. Therefore, for those who are quick-tempered and get angry easily, if they do not control their emotions well, they will be easily exploited by someone else, especially the enemy. Sometimes the enemy will provoke the quick-tempered people to get advantages from them, or even just to make fun of them. There are even some times that they get provoked without intention from the one who caused it. But in the end, the quick-tempered people will get hurt. This is because after they snap out from their angers, they will regret what they did when they are angry. This will allow even more negative emotions to attack them. Therefore, according to Sun Zi’s theory, one should not get angry or influenced by others easily, as it will cause harm to himself. Instead, stay on his foot and keep going the road that he wants. If he succeeds, in the end he will really get what he wanted. In business context, this theory can be seen applied by some companies too. Most of the time, it is about …show more content…

There might be many more factors that were trying to influence them in giving up the low airfares and no frills concepts. If they had changed their concept before they succeed and get popular, Southwest Airline might have became another typical airline, just like most of the other existing airlines. Their popularity might not be as high as of today’s, or they might have even ceased their operation. They are deserved to obtain the success today after going through so much obstacles without changing the most original concepts and

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