
If I Were A Poor Black Kid Summary

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In “If I Were A Poor Black Kid,” writer Gene Marks claims that poor inner city children have opportunities to be successful in life if they follow the advices/ideas he gives such as, to magnet/private school, have technology access and get good grades. Throughout the article Marks, emphasizes that poor inner city kids have the ability to be successful but they do not want to use the resource they have available. This article has been a controversial because Marks compare himself with the poor inner city kids without having knowledge about the challenges poor inner city kids face daily. The argument the author presents in the article may seem logical on the surface but investigating more deeply it can be unreasonable.
Gene Marks is a man who comes from a middle class white background. He is a columnist author and small business owner. As a small expert, Marks writes daily for the Washington Post focusing on issues affecting the business …show more content…

But, what Marks does not think about is the different obstacles poor inner city kids needs to face daily. Jana Kasperkeviz author of article “Connection failed: internet still a luxury for many Americans” said, they are limitation when comes to using computers and internet at libraries. Public libraries require member to sign up for “30 minutes windows” in which they can use the computer. Which means that when it comes to the time where some students have to complete certain homework assignment 30 minutes will not be enough. Also, Kasperkeviz mentions how some libraries close early as 6pm. Even though libraries have the resources to help low-income children they also consist of limitations. Marks presume that because he had better opportunities he believe others kids have too, although if they are low-income, which is absurd because many of the low-income children face many others

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