Environmental Impacts Of Electronic Waste

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The rapidly improving of the technology that keeps people changing their devices or electronic appliances every year and the amount of e-wastes are increasing each year as they change their up-to-date devices. This has led to a new environmental issue which is known as electronic waste and it has now become a popular issue that concerns every country in the world. Every year, tons of unused electronic wastes have been shipped overseas to disassemble. However, these e-wastes contained different types of toxins and chemicals that will harm human health and the environment. Therefore, it becomes a new environmental issue in the world. In this paper, the problems and challenges of electronic waste, the impacts of electronic waste in the …show more content…

Therefore, most of the workers who worked at the electronic waste centers are not aware of the seriousness of the impacts of these e-wastes has brought to them. Although some of them may know the negative impacts but they still have work as a worker in the center in order to earn enough income to support their daily life. Workers with the lack of knowledge towards the negative impacts of e-waste do not know how to deal with the unusable materials of the e-wastes. It is because most of the workers were uneducated and the government did not bring up any laws and regulations to regulate them by implementing some guidelines for …show more content…

Therefore, Asian government needs to make sure that there was a proper management of e-waste that would not lead to serious environment and human health impacts. The Asian electronic waste management has been categorized into legislation, management and treatment (Pariatamby, Victor, 2013). For example, China, the fastest growing economies and the largest exporter of information and communication technology product’s country has introduced regulations like “ Technical Policy on Pollution Prevention” and “ Control of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products” in order to reduce the negative influences that brought by e-waste. Furthermore, Japan, India and Bangladesh’s government have implemented laws such as “E-waste Management and Handling Rule”, “Hazardous Waste Management Rule” and “Solid Waste Management Rule” to restrict the workers from recycling the e-waste in an improper way.
On the other hand, consumers also have the responsibility to prevent electronic waste. A public policy should be published in the society which consumers must pay an amount of money to a third-party fund for the collection and recycling e-waste when they purchased a new electronic device (O’Brien, 2010). Besides, consumers also should buy fewer or buy electronic equipment that could be used longer and could be repaired in order to stop the e-waste

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