Role Of Customization

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An important risk for the supply chain of mass customized products is failure in transmission of ideas between producer and buyer. If dealer or middle man fails to read the customer mind and improper idea is transferred to the producer, than the final product received to the customer would be different from his thoughts. To understand these relations more clearlywe will see the role of sales process in customer satisfaction, secondly, we will see how mass customization impacts sales process and how this relation impacts customer satisfaction, all these relations would also be analyzed with reference to automobile industry.
Sales process and customer satisfaction
Producer to buyer interaction is one of the major concerns of the …show more content…

It is seen that sometime high level of options offered to customer may confuse him instead of increasing his satisfaction; it may also lead to a production of the product which was in actual not desired by the customer [11]. Since large number of quantity may leads to customer confusion, it is thus very much needed that sales process should me made so much easy and understandable that it don’t let customer to design something that is not appropriate or it should not let the customer to get confuse from the variety offered. Though, it is observed that high number of varieties offered for the customization makes the customer dealing process more complex, as the number of offered options for customization increase the “build up” process for customer becomes more complicated as the choice to get the best one becomes more difficult for the customer. This analysis makes the dealership process more prominent, it is thus important that sales process should be modified according to the needs of customization; it should be made as simpler as possible. So, mass customization puts lot of responsibility on dealer to simplify things. Furthermore, many factors in the sales process like higher delivery time, improper dealing, poor guidance about the options …show more content…

Mass customization demands sales process to be simplified and modified according to its needs, satisfaction from the sales process is very much required for mass customization. In the case of automobile industry it is also important to see that are leading companies able to satisfy their customers with the sales process under mass customization, we cannot find in literature any study that analyze that are automobile companies able to achieve success in modification of the sales process according to mass customization needs or not. This study will address this

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