Impact Of Social Media On Self Esteem

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Most everyone has some form of a social media, whether its instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat, ect. As we spend most of our time on these web platforms, we are constantly seeing the only parts of people lives that want to be seen by their followers. However, before we know it we are envying strangers, and the lives they are portraying. This can consume us and we reflect on our own lives, wishing for a different life. Ultimately, social media affects self esteem and promotes the perfect life.
People on social media enhance, and impair body image. Now of days, girls really take this to the next level, ´´We’ve long understood that movies, magazines and television damage teens’ body image by enforcing a “thin ideal.” Less known is the impact of social media on body confidence´´(Simmons, August 19, 2016). As you scroll through your social media you are most likely going to come across a picture of the what this generation says ´´The perfect Body´´, that could be a girl with a swimsuit on the beach, or even someone working out at the gym. While we look at these pictures, we fantasize thoughts like, ¨why can 't my body look like that¨ or ¨why can 't I have their body. But the real question is, why are we comparing ourselves to others. Psychologist did research why we compare ourselves on social media, they found that ¨Robust cross-cultural evidence linking social media use to body image concerns, dieting, body surveillance, a drive for thinness and self-objectification in

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