Essay On Attitude And Self Esteem

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Attitude is responding positive or negative towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences one’s self-esteem, feeling of satisfaction that someone has in themselves with his or her own abilities. If one has low self-esteem it can lead to lack of confidence, one who has high self- esteem leads to improved relationships and successful outcomes. Attitude and self-esteem play a huge role in one’s career but also in life.
When it comes to work it is important to have a good attitude, it reflects on who one is as a person and how to manage oneself at work. Having a good attitude puts one in a better mood and improves their work ethics. If one has great attitude that follows along with developing great work ethics, that …show more content…

It often leads to distress and unproductive work behaviors, such as being excessively cooperative or disobedient. Occasionally low self-esteem can come from one’s personal life and bring the problems into work causing to have lack of work ethics or the problem can be at work that a certain boss or colleague has criticized one’s work ethic. This can cause stress and change in attitude on other workers if having to comply with a coworker that is having low self -esteem. Some people have had bad experiences in their past lives causing them to have the low self-esteem and it takes a while for one to realize it and gain high self-esteem back. Sometimes people don’t see they have low self-esteem, until one is able to identify it is impossible to overcome it. When in a workplace and a coworker sees that their coworker is having low self-esteem they should try up life them. Just by complimenting their work ability or even offering to help them and showing them the correct way of doing the job duty instead of giving negative feedback. Giving negative feedback can also cause one to develop low self-esteem they start to feel as if they work is not good and start to do their work with no

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