Cultural Issues In Global HRM

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One of the primary issues in any international venture is the presence of an inherent difference in the way people in various countries operate and the way in which they need to be managed. These differences, though, may seem to be subtle at times, but can lead to major issues if left unaddressed. The cultural issues in the global HRM can be looked upon in the following 4 dimensions:
1. Power Distance
2. Communication
3. Motivation
4. Time
Power Distance: This refers to how people respond to authority and the level of acceptance for such authority. In situations where we are in dealing with high power distance, we have to take into account the importance of the leaders’ absolute position in the society. Here, an egalitarian stance would probably be taken for weakness as a leader. The people with low power distance orientation would not, however, want to be controlled by absolute authority and …show more content…

They feel that time is a flowing entity and needs to be cashed-upon as much as possible in order to make the best of it. Reaching late may have an implication as serious as a complete cancellation of a deal. Polychromic cultures have a flexible view about time and use time to build and strengthen relationships. If the other party is in a hurry, it may be construed that they are trying to hide something.
After looking at the above mentioned dimensions of plurality in cultures, we can use the following as a tool to provide us an easy checklist of what to do in an international deal from HR perspective:
Major areas where cultural issues may cause concern Dimension(From which the issue is to be viewed) Home Country Culture Parent Country Culture Possible action to preclude the

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