Discourse Analysis In The Classroom

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using a special discourse? Do teachers who ask more precise questions get more production of TL from the students' side? Or does asking less aimful questions cause confusion and deviation from the aim/objective of the lesson? What is the effect of asking open or closed questions on students' production and what is the function of each kind of question? Can it be stated that pre-teaching of vocabulary items encourages use of that word by students? I am looking for evidence to try to answer these questions. In order to answer the abovementioned questions, different interaction patterns in each class (1. teacher to student 2. student to student and 3. teacher to class) are analyzed through method of conversation analysis in different settings …show more content…

Dialogic talk is not just any talk. It can be the question-answer or listen-tell routines of traditional language teaching or the casual conversation in an informal discussion (ibid) The term discourse analysis is widely used to refer to a broad range of approaches which sometimes are called conversation analysis or interaction analysis. Discourse analysis is broadly used to study classroom dialogue and interactions between teachers and students (Ballack, Kleibrad, Hyman, & Smith, 1996; Cazden, 2001; Mehann, 1979; Potter, 1997; Sinclair & Coulthard,, 1975). It is also used in order to study naturally occurring conversations in other fields (Brown & Yule, 1983; Johnstone, 2002; Psathas, 1995; tenHave, 1999) Conclusion It can be stated that dialogic teaching is closely referred to the teacher and student talk in various forms. It also sheds light "on the relationship between language, learning, thinking and understanding, and in observational evidence on what makes for truly effective …show more content…

The analysis of the data will assess whether there is a positive relationship between teacher's discourse and students' production of the target language. Furthermore, does the magnitude of teachers' talking time significantly affect the quality of student talking time or their motivation in a way that necessitates policy change in teacher training programs? References Alexander, R. J. (2008). Towards dialogic teaching: Rethinking classroom talk (4th ed.). York: Dialogos. Bellack, A. A., Kliebard, H. M., Hyman, R. T., & Smith, F. L., Jr. (1966). The language of the classroom. New York: Teachers College Press. Brown, G., & Yule, G. (1983). Discourse analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. Cazden, C. B. (2001). Classroom discourse: The language of teaching and learning (2nd ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Dudley-Evans, T. (1994). ”Variations in the discourse patterns favoured by different disciplines and their pedagogical implications” in Flowerdew, J., Ed. (1994). Academic Listening: Research perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

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