Importance Of Domain Name Essay

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The domain name gained importance over the years as business entities realized that Internet could be a convenient mode for not only imparting information but also using it for gaining access to a world-wide market and selling its products. Naturally, a company would prefer its own trade mark to be used as domain name since people recognize the trade mark. So a newspaper like The Hindustan Times would prefer for the purpose of putting its daily version online so that everyone around the world could read it. On the other hand, even the readers would expect that would contain the online version of the daily, The Hindustan Times rather than, maybe, contain a cartoon feature by some unknown individual or worse, some pornographic material.
The Supreme Court, recently in Satyam Inforway Ltd. v. Sifynet Solutions (P) Ltd., observed as under:
“The original role of a domain name was no doubt to provide an address for computers on the Internet. But the Internet has developed from a mere means of communication to a mode of carrying on commercial activity. With the increase of commercial activity on the Internet, a domain name is also used as a business identifier. Therefore, the domain name not …show more content…

Therefore, the importance of a domain name is no less than the trademark itself. If a particular trade name has come to be known in the market to represent a particular commodity or a particular company, the general guess of people online would be that the domain name equivalent to such trade name would be used by such company. The domain name in the online world, just like the trade name in the offline world, serves to identify the goods/services provided by the

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