Personal Narrative: My Experience In A Basketball Team

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Being in the basketball team has given me a variety of experience in different fields. Every time I set foot on the court it’s a new learning experience. It goes far beyond just teamwork or any other common elements found in basketball. The main things basketball taught me were leadership skills, how to communicate with your team, and how to never give up. While we did have a decent amount of wins against other schools, we also learnt how to accept defeat early on. During one of our first tournaments at NYU we accepted the fact that there are people who are better than us, and that we could lose at any time. We were able to accept the fact that sometimes we would lose important games. While that would be disappointing at first, we knew we …show more content…

I had a feeling that I would make the team, especially since our coach, Mr. David, kept going on and on about how natural my shots were during tryouts. I thought I would do well right after joining the team, but never was I so wrong. Every single practice after the tryouts would get harder and harder; we would keep on pushing our limits to be able to compete with the best, and to do that we had to all work on our strengths. Shooting has always been my strong suit, but since we were now going up against teams that are more professional, it became difficult to shoot when everyone would try to stop you. One has to work with their peers in order to actually stand a chance at winning or even scoring. After practicing for months with the team and getting to know each other we had our first game. NYU had invited us to one of their tournaments. This was one of our proudest moments as a team since we were playing against some of the top teams in the UAE. Despite time being against us, and only being able to fit in a few practices, we were able to make it to the quarterfinals, which is quite and

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