Gossip As A Mode Of Communication Analysis

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“Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid.” (Winchell, W., n.d.)

Let’s start by briefly defining the language as people’s capacity to obtain and wittingly use elaborated systems of expressing themselves. Moreover, the language basically allows us to socialize and effectively communicate by constantly exchanging stream of information. Ultimately, that is language’s prime purpose and designation. Subsequently, it happens occasionally people to find themselves hindered by not being able to rely on first-hand …show more content…

In respect to such sensitive and fragile circumstances, we can simply be more proactive about it and merely notify our friends and acquaintances what we have beheld, when we think it may be in their favor to know. In this reference, an efficient communication among people will naturally require accessible information, considering the already established and deeply rooted social environment. Thence, we certainly need to keep in mind that social interrelationships are intricate and compound, so that makes it certainly impossible to absorb this kind of information straight from the horse’s mouth. Thereafter, many people are eager to pick it up through an intermediary, no matter if they possess the need level of forbearance and courtesy to validate it afterwards. Surely, this phenomenon is well-known as gossip. Consequently, for not entirely plain and sound arguments, gossip has adopted a strongly disreputable repute. This is not gossip’s initial and primordial meaning. Instead of its …show more content…

In addition, gossip has its own valuable contribution. For instance, if we concentrate on a single organization, which might benefit and avail from gossip that is consciously rooted for affirmative grounds, but experience unfavorable aftermath of evil-minded gossips. In this respect, it should be noticed that in specific situations, people can also employ gossip for generous purposes – to maintain the norms of a group and to dishearten free riding. As we briefly mentioned above, this particular empirical research project mainly strives to gather conclusive results about what are people’s main objectives and hidden motives to participate in gossiping, from perspective of their working environment, and by means of qualitative research methods. More specifically, the adopted research method will be impersonated by an expert interview and it will practically encompasses (here we will put the exact number) questions, designed to draw conclusions that may partially gratify our sense of awareness about gossip’s essence and driving

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