Importance Of Harmony In Harmony

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Harmony is something very important and needed in every type of group. The easiest way to understand harmony is by watching an orchestra. In an orchestra, many different instruments such as cello, violin, trumpet, flute and tuba are played. Each of these instruments produces a different and its own distinctive sound. For instance, cello produces a low-pitched and violin makes a rather high pitched-sound. However, when all of these instruments are played together, a beautiful, pleasing and soothing music is born. This is only possible with the existent of harmony. The statement ‘harmony within diversity must be nurtured and cherished’ means that we should value highly and improve the unity in a group which consists a variety of things. From my perspective, I can relate the statement with the lives of citizens in Malaysia. Malaysia is a multiracial country with citizens from many different races and ethnic groups. Some of the examples are Iban, Bajau, Malay, Chinese, Jakun, and Batak. The lifestyle of …show more content…

It actually plays a major role in maintaining the peace in our country. Imagine a place where people do not mix with others who are different. They would not eat, play, work or even talk together. Their eyes are filled with anger and irritation as they look at others from different races. It will eventually lead to citizens making enemies with others from the same country. Just like the dark history of Malaysia which is the chaos on 13 May 1969. On that day, Malays and Chinese had killed each other and many had died. This incident is an unforgettable memory for those who experienced it. The feeling of being afraid and scared to come out of the house must be eradicate. Let us just live in place where we can happily work together with everyone. As the Bondei proverb goes ‘sticks in a bundle are unbreakable’, we can focus ourselves more in developing our country into a better and more successful

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