Instructional Video Games Essay

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An instructional video game provides educational value to the player. Instructional video games are designed to teach school children the subjects included in the curriculum, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play and enjoy. This not only engages and entertains the children but also tends to improve the creative ability hidden in each and every individual child. In future in the years to come, this technique of teaching will dominate the school environment and can motivate children. Children are allowed to express themselves as individuals while learning and engaging in social issues. Students who participate in instructional video games can offer deeper, more meaningful insights in all academic …show more content…

This research recommends extensive replacement of current educational practices from pre-school to higher secondary school level with practices based on computer games. Moreover, this research is a ’POC’ (proof of concept) to bring a radical change in transforming the traditional smart classrooms into technologically advanced classrooms, sweeping the text-books away and preventing the cutting of trees in order to protect the environment, thus converting the classrooms free from paper pencil climate as well.
The entire curriculum in all the different school systems, starting with the teacher education curriculum in India can be restructured with the help of computer technologists along with the subject experts at the preparation level to train the student teachers of all the subjects of education in the game development keeping in mind to increase the hidden potential of creativity and the academic achievement without hindering the attitude towards creativity, cognitive development, computer based learning and science

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