The Pros And Cons Of International Labor Organization

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Now in the society dramatic changes in the organization of work are taking place. It is impossible to remain indifferent to this subject, because there is a change in thinking of society, changing needs and priorities. Therefore, the principles of organization of labor also need changes. The consequences of the lack of organization of work are impossible to reject. It is expressed in the homeless people, the poor standard of living which leads to astonishment, and the main reason for all this is the lack of specialists in the organization of labor. International Labor Organization is the only organization where workers' representatives experience equal footing with government employees and entrepreneurs. The ILO conventions and recommendations, together constituting a genuine international labor code, …show more content…

One of the main ideas of this Convention is to recognize the State ratifying this document, the equality of migrants, regardless of their nationality, race, religion, gender, etc. The Convention contains articles aimed at regulating the conditions under which migrant workers will have equal rights with citizens of the host state law in matters defined by it. Protecting the rights of migrant workers provides in the Article 2 the organization of free services to assist migrant workers and to provide them with the necessary information. The ILO should take measures against unreliable information and advocacy on issues related to immigration and emigration of citizens. All the migrants should have access to appropriate medical services, as Article 5 states. Moreover, everyone should gain resolution freely transfer to their homeland received foreign exchange and savings. The Convention also includes the application of which the first two relate to the recruitment, placing and conditions of labor of migrants, and the third - the issues of migrants personal property, tools and

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