The Jigsaw Technique

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This chapter provides background of the research, hypotheses, research questions, aims of the study, significance of the study, limitations of the problem, research method, clarification of the key terms and organization of the research. The Background of the Research
In learning English, learners deal with the four basic language skills. Those skills are divided into productive skills and receptive skills, speaking and writing involve language production (productive skills) while listening and reading involve receiving messages (receptive skills) (Harmer, 1991). Among those four basic language skills, writing is often considered as the most difficult subject for all grade students because learners are expected to …show more content…

Jigsaw is a technique developed by Elliot Aronson and his associates at the University of Texas and the University of California at Santa Cruz (Slavin, 1978). Slavin (1978) also stated that Jigsaw is a relatively simple technique, designed to increase students ' sense of responsibility for their learning by making each one an "expert" on one part of an instructional unit, and then having each student teach the part on which he is an "expert" to the others on his team. According to Aronson (2000), technique or cooperative structure commonly used in high school is Jigsaw technique, because it is considered as the efficient way to learn material in peers. Students will work in small groups consist of three or four. It may require team-building activities for both home groups and topic groups, long-term group involvement, and rehearsal of presentation …show more content…

This research will only focus on Jigsaw technique. The writer focuses on composing paragraph to improve students’ writing skill. The writer refers to improve students’ writing skill which focuses on content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics. The indicator in improvement of students’ writing skill uses Minimum Mastering Criteria (MMC) or Ketuntasan Kriteria Minimal, the students who achieve MMC is considered to be successful.

Research Method Research Design
This research employs a quantitative design of using quasi-experimental. There are two groups of samples, the first one is experimental class which will be taught using Jigsaw technique and the second one is control class which will be taught with conventional method. In the first meeting, both groups will be given a pre-test. The following meetings in the experimental group will be taught using the Jigsaw technique. While control group will be taught using conventional method. Then, in the last meeting, both groups will be given a post-test. Where:
A = Experimental Group
B = Control Group
O1 = Pre-test in Experimental

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