Essay On Whole Point Of Knowledge

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Knowledge is a justified true belief that can either be personal or shared and be a work of a single individual or a group of people. I completely disagree with the statement, “The whole point of knowledge is to produce both meaning and purpose in our personal lives”. The use of the word “whole” ignores the benefits we get and offer to others from interacting among one another because it conveys that knowledge only benefits our personal life. People share knowledge between each other to gain awareness about a topic and develop new ideas. Knowledge’s use for personal life is a fraction of all the benefits it gives us. Personal knowledge plays an important role in shared understanding and to the benefit of the society in general. If the whole point of knowledge was to only produce meaning and purpose in our personal lives, would life be possible? Pharmacologists, for instance, would not either have the time or knowledge enough to discover the cure to most diseases unless they work together. If there was no such thing as sharing …show more content…

Shared knowledge’s importance must not be ignored because without it civilization is not possible. To develop a high level of culture, science and industry we must first know the basics. Civilization and development are long processes. It took the world thousands of years to invent telephone, internet, computers and many other machineries based on other findings, because it is a cumulative chains of processes. Somebody in the past takes one step forward and the next generation continues from there. If we did not share knowledge none of the complicated high standard systems would have been found since we cannot invent, create and improve, in such a short time period. Most of the time, it takes more than a single person’s lifetime to begin, improve, and develop a

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